
[演講公告] 日本富山高等專門學院阿蘇 司教授(Aso Tsukasa)專題演講

☀️☀️☀️長庚大學放射醫學研究中心「日本富山高等專門學院阿蘇 司教授(Aso Tsukasa)專題演講」活動☀️☀️☀️

長庚大學放射醫學研究中心與林口長庚醫院放射醫學核心實驗室,非常榮幸邀請到來自日本富山高等專門學院 (National Institute of Technology, Toyama College) 的阿蘇司教授,來進行一場專題演講。阿蘇司教授是放射線物理領域的專家,同時也是 PTSim 蒙地卡羅模擬平台的開發者。近年來,他專注於輻射誘發 DNA 損傷機制的蒙地卡羅模擬研究,模擬輻射對 DNA 分子原子結構的損傷及其導致的鏈斷裂。他將分子結構引入模擬中,以評估受損的 DNA 位點。 在這次的演講中,阿蘇司教授將與大家分享他目前的研究進展以及開發 DNA 損傷模型的策略。這將是一場非常精彩的分享,歡迎大家踴躍參加。

演講時間: 08/22 (四) 上午10:00-12:00

講者: National Institute of Technology, Toyama College Prof. Aso Tsukasa

主題 : Developing an atomistic model of radiation-induced DNA strand breaks using Geant4-DNA simulation (利用Geant4-DNA模擬進行輻射誘發DNA鏈斷裂的原子模型開發)

實體會議地點: 長庚大學 第一醫學大樓 12樓 醫放系 會議室(一)

線上會議網址:https://reurl.cc/Gpd6WD 歡迎大家踴躍參加!


☀️☀️☀️Chang Gung University Research Center for Radiation Medicine "Special Lecture by Professor Tsukasa Aso from National Institute of Technology, Toyama College, Japan"☀️☀️☀️

The Research Center for Radiation Medicine of Chang Gung University and the Radiation Research Core Laboratory at Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital are honored to invite Professor Aso Tsukasa from the National Institute of Technology, Toyama College, Japan, for a special lecture. Professor Aso is an expert in the field of radiation physics and the developer of the PTSim Monte Carlo simulation platform. In recent years, he has focused on Monte Carlo simulation research on radiation-induced DNA damage mechanisms, simulating the damage induced by radiation on the atomic structure of DNA molecules and the resulting strand breaks. He incorporates molecular structures into simulations to assess damaged DNA sites. In this lecture, Professor Aso will share his current progress and strategies for developing DNA damage models. This promises to be a fascinating presentation, and we warmly welcome everyone to attend.

Lecture Time: 08/22 (Thursday) 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Speaker: National Institute of Technology, Toyama College, Prof. Tsukasa Aso Topic: Developing an Atomistic Model of Radiation-Induced DNA Strand Breaks Using Geant4-DNA Simulation

In-Person Venue: Chang Gung University, First Medical Building, 12th Floor, Meeting room 1.

Online Meeting Link: https://reurl.cc/Gpd6WD

Everyone is welcome to attend!
