


1. 澳洲昆士蘭大學, Deep learning network for integrated coil inhomogeneity correction and brain extraction of mixed MRI data

2. 加拿大多倫多大學, Convolutional neural network-based deep learning model for predicting differential suicidality in depressive patients using brain generalized q-sampling imaging

3. 美國楊百瀚大學, Acoustic droplet vaporization in biology and medicine

4. 馬來西亞馬來亞大學, ROS-generating alginate-coated gold nanorods as biocompatible nanosonosensitisers for effective sonodynamic therapy of cancer

5. 日本千葉大學, Quantitative ultrasound imaging of liver diseases

6. 中國北京工業大學, Deep learning of ultrasound imaging for tissue characterization

7. 美國威爾康乃爾醫學院, Quantitative Ultrasound in soft tissues, 2nc edition

8. 南澳大學, 1. Investigation of proton RBE based on in-vitro patient-derived brain tumour organoid model. 2.Investigation the FLASH effect

9. 範德堡大學, Reactivation of immunity to suppress tumor in LL/2- syngeneic lung cancer mice

10. 富山高等專門學校, PTSim application on proton therapy